If you were a witness and/or have any information regarding the events of June 24th in the parking lot behind Chipotle Restaurant in Studio City (Laurel Canyon & Ventura Blvds), please contact us via email: justiceforzac@gmail.com

Thursday, January 3, 2013


On Saturday, December 29th, local NBC affiliate KNBC published a report on their website about the upcoming court case filed by Zac's mother, Carol, against the United States Government for the wrongful death of her son.

It would seem the story the Sheriff's department, as well as the DEA, concocted regarding the events of that night were just that... all fabrications.

"The nature of [Champommier's] aggressive actions - actually hitting the deputy - that is not someone who is without some degree of fault," Sheriff Lee Baca said.

Apparently, not so much, Sheriff Baca. He did nothing wrong. You said as much to his mother. Without waiting for any official report, Sheriff Baca felt it appropriate to slander a dead young man who was killed by the very deputies who should have been protecting him, just hours after they gunned him down. 

As for Zac intentionally aiming for a deputy? According to the KNBC report, a witness reported seeing a deputy hopping over the front of Zac's car, not making it to the other side and sliding off, during an altercation with someone else in the parking lot

Starsky and Hutch fail.

Officers reported that Zac was traveling at a speed of 38 m.p.h. through the parking lot where he was shot. Again, not so. Accident reconstruction experts for both sides of the lawsuit agree: Zac was not traveling any faster than 13 m.p.h., maybe even less, but they settled on 13 for the magic number. So the story of Zac racing into a group of law enforcement officers in an attempt to mow them down was simply a fairy tale. One of many woven that night.

You can finish reading the rest of the KNBC piece here.