If you were a witness and/or have any information regarding the events of June 24th in the parking lot behind Chipotle Restaurant in Studio City (Laurel Canyon & Ventura Blvds), please contact us via email: justiceforzac@gmail.com

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Seven Years

It's hard to believe it's been seven years since Zac was killed. It's still hard to believe that he's gone. Today, as always, we send light and love to his mother Carol. Prayers and good houghts to her and all who knew Zac and feel his loss keenly after seven years. There are just some people who are so incredible and amazing; who add such joy and wisdom to every space they inhabit, and Zachary Nathan Champommier was such a person. He was a great friend, an amazing son and today we remember this anniversary and mourn this still profound loss.