A message from Zac's mother, Carol:
Thursday May 23rd 9:00 AM will be the last opportunity to show our support and love for Zac in court. These are closing arguments. The last day before the judge makes his final ruling and decision. I would love to see as many of Zac's friends there as possible. We need to send a clear message to the judge that his decision matters to this community. Please spread the word so everyone knows about the importance of this day. I continue to pray justice will prevail!
Although tragic, the alleged victim did in fact drive his car at a Police Officer. The Officers do have a right to protect themselves. Because the kid panicked after being exposed to an on-line relationship does not give him the the right to flee and hit another human being with his car. There is no case here.
If you weren't concerned, you wouldn't even bother posting. The truth is quite simple. The court has denied the Motion for Summary Judgement. Just because you say there isn't a case, doesn't make it so. Keep trying to convince yourself. You will never convince us because we have something you will never have. The privilege of knowing a beautiful soul.
How much more time does Carol Champommier intend to waste before she files a complaint with the California Bar Association for malpractice by her attorneys and then retain her own independent honest fiduciarily clean attorney to sue both their rear ends for every last dime they will ever earn?
It looks like all of Zac's geek bandmate buddies from GHHS earned a diploma in naivette.Which isn't a bad thing, except when your adversary specializes in shameless deception and craven self interest.
Your just finishing up a 3 year long meandering cruise on Lake Marshmallow Muffin. With your sincerely gullible tour guide Miss Group Hug Champomm.
Has anybody seen the movie "The Matrix"? Zac's friends are wrapping production on their epic remake. And they still choose the blue pill once a day to keep reality away. Zac's geek bandmates were sold out in the opening scene.
There's only two people involved with this entire saga who didn't sell Zac out - Deputy District Attorney Shelly Torrealba and LASD Lt. Liam Gallagher.
I am concerned about this tragic chain of events. Since I know some of the people involved that are under scrutiny for merely protecting the public, I have the right to post here. What if the kid had hit a civilian when fleeing the area after fearing his on-line antics were going to be exposed. How would this have been approached if the Policeman had been killed. Would the Champommiers have been sued for 10 million, no. This incident is very different from other wrongful death lawsuits. the kid endangered someone's life as opposed to an individual being unarmed and shot by Police etc. I have a lot of sympathy for the Mother, but hope she loses her lawsuit. Maybe she should have monitored her child's activity a bit more closely.
Go ahead and put your badge back on. Maybe you will have another opportunity to kill another person driving 5 miles per hour in a public parking lot. Maybe it will be someone younger than 18 yrs old. My opinion...you are all too scared to be wearing badges.
No one is scared to wear a badge. What Law Enforcement has to deal with now days is the civil court system. If a shooting or use of force is cleared criminally, any civil liability should be null and void. Then, these hack lawsuits like this one will stop. No one is afraid to wear a badge or do their job band geek.
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