If you were a witness and/or have any information regarding the events of June 24th in the parking lot behind Chipotle Restaurant in Studio City (Laurel Canyon & Ventura Blvds), please contact us via email: justiceforzac@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Happy Birthday, Zac. We miss you so very much.

His mother has posted the following message on the In Memory of Zac Champommier Facebook group page:

Today would have been Zac's 22nd birthday. He brought so much joy to my life in the 18 years he was here. I am truly blessed to have had him as my son. Happy birthday my love.
In his memory, I am asking that you write to the District Attorney's Office and ask that they reopen the case and press charges. Since the trial, it has become even more clear that criminal charges need to be filed against Peter "Taylor" LoPresti. The DA declined to file charges, originally, based on false information.
This DEA agent needs to be taken off the streets. As far as I know, he has not even been reprimanded, although the Civil ruling holds the DEA responsible for battery against Zac because of their employee. That is why there are monetary damages. The DEA has appealed and the process could take up to another year from now to get resolved. However, there is no need to wait for criminal charges. The complete ruling can be read at http://justiceforzac.blogspot.com (click here to read the ruling in its entirety-j.v.)
The address is: 
Los Angeles County District Attorney
Attn: Deputy DA Shannon Presby
System Integrity Division
210 W. Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012 
Please share this information and ask others to do the same. We still need justice for Zac. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We love you, Carol and are thinking of you and Zac today.